Новости. 23.03.2016
«The Fourth international meeting on OCT Angiography, advances in OCT , and “en face” OCT will be held in Rome December 16 and 17 2016. Over the course of two days, you will be given Expert Clinical, Scientific and Technical scholarship, wonderful company and relaxation in the beautiful setting of historical Rome.
President of Honor: James Fujimoto.
Organized by Bruno Lumbroso, David Huang, Gabriel Coscas, Jay Duker, K. Bailey Freund, Yali Jia, Richard Rosen, Phil Rosenfeld, David Sarraf, Eric Souied, Richard Spaide, Giovanni Staurenghi, Nadia Waheed.
Coordinators: Amani Fawzi, Martine Mauget Faysse, Andre Romano, Marco Rispoli.
The huge interest in OCT Angiography is heartening. Congress contents will be of the highest level. The best specialists in the world will give the most recent information on OCT Angiography.
We trust it will be one of the most important meetings this year on OCT Angiography and on OCT and we hope you will join us. The Rome conference brings together clinical, basic science and engineering communities. Rome meeting atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, and it makes easy networking with new international friends.»
Bruno Lumbroso